Newcastle’s Global Climate Strike

A thousand people joined the Global Climate Strike in Newcastle demanding action on the climate crisis.
Friday 20th September saw a thousand people join the Global Climate Strike in Newcastle. Building on the School Strike for Climate inspired last year by Greta Thunberg, the Global Strike was an international event with an estimated 6 million adults and children protesting worldwide. I went along to add my support.

The protestors grouped outside the Civic Centre where students took the microphone to demand a cleaner future. I was struck by how vocal and passionate all the students were.

The humour encapsulated in the multitudinous placards did little to hide the outrage felt by many of the students. Sarcasm was alive and well as our government took the rap for their inaction.

As the chanting students led the protestors from the Civic Centre to Grey’s Monument they formed human chains across roads to stop the traffic. Despite the disruption, drivers remained supportive.

It was a baking hot September day, and all those placards provided welcome shade from the sun. The significance of the unusual temperature wasn’t lost on anyone there.

Once at the monument, local politicians took the stand to support the strike including Chi Onwurah MP and the newly elected North of Tyne mayor Jamie Driscoll. However, the greatest impression on me was made by a 12 year old lad on the march to the Monument who I overheard asking an adult bystander, “Are you helping to stop climate change?” Responding to the challenge, the bystander replied, “I’m doing all I can!” We must all ask ourselves, are we really doing all we can, and is it enough?